Research Overview
The Research and Publications Division produces numerous publications on topics related to the four lines of research. The Division also works closely to our Executive Editor of Hemisferio Journal to publish internal and external research papers related to hemispheric problems.
Lines of Research
Initial Lines of Research at the IADC were derived via a Faculty-led consultative process, drawing upon relevant mandates of the OAS and Inter-American Defense Board (IADB), systematic assessments of regional countries’ defense and security priorities, reflections on the institutional learning outcomes at the IADC, and engagement of regional experts.
These four Lines of Research will guide institutional collaborations and research clusters:
1) The Inter-American System: Regional Collaboration and Coordination;
2) Hemispheric Peace, Defense, and Security;
3) Evolution of Threats in the Hemisphere and Relevant Responses; and
4) Educating/Developing Regional Leaders: Challenges and Responses.
Our research division and faculty are actively working on a number of projects, related to our four lines of research. Current research projects are as follows:
1) International alliances and their importance to maritime safety on high seas
This Research Project aims to analyze the relationship between uncontrolled offshore activities mainly held on high seas and their impacts on the western hemisphere’s jurisdictional waters and coastal regions, especially in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, highlighting the importance of international alliances to address these threats in areas beyond Coastal States jurisdiction by joint operations under an agreement on international maritime law issues.
2) Human Rights in the Western Hemisphere’s Armed Forces
This Project is the first IADC Research throughout a Research Cluster Model. It was established by a partnership with the National University of La Plata, the Defense Superior School of Brazil (Escola Superior de Defesa (ESD) do Brasil), and the Colombian Superior School of War (Escuela Superior de Guerra (ESG) de Colombia “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”) and aims to analyze whether there is a violation of the rights of members of the Armed Forces in the Western Hemisphere and, if so, which rights are considered to have been violated. Also, studying the inclusion process in Armed Forces, focusing on opportunities for young people, management of people with disabilities in active duty, and the Women, Peace, and Security Program challenges and outcomes observed in the Western Hemisphere since the United Nations Resolution 1325/2000 enactment.
3) Hybrid Threats in the Americas: Challenges and Opportunities for Inter-American development and cooperation
The absence of a broad and accurate study of hybrid threats on the American continent makes it difficult to understand them, leading to the generalist treatment inherent to weak and not very detailed analyses, which propitiate the ideological and sometimes relativistic use of technical and scientific concepts with the objective of destabilizing a certain antagonistic group, hindering the capacity to differentiate the real hybrid threats in relation to new technologies, cultural and social behavioral issues, or typical changes thereof.
This research project aims to fill this gap in knowledge and establish the basis for the study of hybrid threats in the American continent, through detailed analysis and information exchange within an Inter-American academic forum, such as the IADC, aiming to observe the challenges and opportunities for Inter-American development and cooperation on these matters.
4) Integrated Deterrence in the Western Hemisphere
This Project aims to evaluate, through an academic study, the concept of “Integrated Deterrence” as an instrument of cooperation, development, and integration, defining its effects, from the perspective of Security and Defense, in each State. Therefore, the research seeks to accurately study the threats in the complex defense and security scenario of the American continent, to analyze the use of multi-domain operations in the context of Inter-American defense and security; to analyze the current capabilities of the Armed Forces and Security Agencies of the countries of the Western Hemisphere that could be integrated to face the defense and security challenges of the next 10 years; to identify the needed capabilities that the Armed Forces, Security Forces and Agencies of the Western Hemisphere countries must have to overcome these challenges through an integrated approach, and finally to explain how integrated deterrence can be achieved in the future through a multidimensional security approach in the Americas.
Currently, the Project “Integrated Deterrence in the Western Hemisphere” counts on 8 different countries participating through the following Academic Institutions:
1) Inter-American Defense College (Project Leader).
2) Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG – Brazil);
3) Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos (ANEPE – Chile);
4) Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto” (ESDEGUE – Colombia);
5) Academia de Defensa Militar Conjunta (ADEMIC – Ecuador);
6) Academia de Guerra del Ejército (Ecuador);
7) Academia de Guerra Naval (Ecuador);
8) Academia de Guerra Aérea (Ecuador);
9) Unidad de Estudios Estratégicos de la Universidad de Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE – Ecuador);
10) Colegio de Defensa Nacional (CODENAL – Mexico);
11) Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales (Instituto de Investigaciones Estratégicas de la Armada de México);
12) Instituto de Defesa Nacional (IDN – Portugal);
13) Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (CESEDEN – Spain);
14) William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (Perry Center – USA).
Recent peer-reviewed Publications
IADC Research Division Publishes Article, “Can Latin America AML effectiveness impact corruption prevention?” In the Journal of Money Laundering Control.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF’s) recommendations in Latin America in the fight against Money Laundering (ML) through the Immediate Outcomes 4 (Preventive Measures) and 6 (Financial Intelligence) and the relationship between anti-money laundering (AML) effectiveness and anti-corruption measures.
IADC Research Division Publishes Article, “Strengthening ZOPACAS: The Maritime Safety Roadmap for the South Atlantic" In the Journal of Brazil’s Naval War College.
This paper aims to analyze the threats to maritime jurisdictions coming from undetected acts perpetrated beyond national jurisdiction, on the high seas, and seek effective actions to face them through broad international cooperation fostered by international forums and alliances not limited to military actions and purposes.
Physical address : 210 B Street, Building 56, Fort Lesley J McNair, Washington DC.